Operating with honesty, transparency, and the highest ethics
2021 Sustainability Report:
progress & goals
It’s been said that integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. At NFE, we strive every day to uphold the highest standards of integrity and business ethics – and the robust policies that ensure their strong focus.
It’s certainly vital to achieving organizational objectives, driving economic growth, and upholding stakeholder expectations – but it’s also just the right thing to do, in all our business activities, in all our locations, and with all our stakeholders.

Our ethical and accountable workplace is founded on our Code of Business Conduct. This Code affirms our standards of compliance with laws, including our zero tolerance standard for bribery and corruption and strict rules regarding gifts and entertainment, sponsorships, charitable donations, and social and political contributions.
For the past two years, we have been expanding our training and education around anti-corruption and other compliance policies and procedures. During International Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week, employees were invited to share their experiences about ethical actions in difficult situations. We have implemented an annual review and recertification of high-risk vendors, created new policies to address money-laundering and sanctions risks, and updated and refreshed our other compliance policies and procedures.

Given the business importance of sustainability, our Governance Guidelines include sustainability management. Since 2021, we have formed a cross-functional sustainability committee and published our second-annual Sustainability Report.
We have begun implementing a process for engaging business partners around sustainability-related matters. And we are integrating sustainability performance goals and metrics into our annual performance reviews and expanding our community stakeholder engagement process.
Because creating a world where the air is clean doesn’t only refer to eliminating greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution – it also means clearing the air of anything less than the unquestionably highest ethical standards in everything we do.