Responding to COVID-19
We're in this together
As the world navigates the challenges of a global pandemic, we at New Fortress Energy are proud to be supporting the delivery of liquefied natural gas (LNG), essential electricity and power services while supporting our neighbors and LNG community.

We're delivering essential power
In places such as Jamaica and Puerto Rico, our operation, construction and development teams are keeping our liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities functioning so that healthcare, government agencies, and other essential businesses have the electricity and power they need to deliver critical services. Our liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and power plants are vital links in this very important chain.
To continue to protect the health and safety of all our operators, we have adopted new guidelines and best industry practices around social distancing, shift changes, and cleanliness. We’re grateful to our employees for their hard work and dedication to making a positive difference in the health of their local communities and economies.

We're empowering local communities
We’ve also partnered with local organizations in our markets to deliver food to people in need during this uncertain time. In Jamaica, we’re working with Food For The Poor to provide food and hygiene essentials to more than 80 vulnerable families each month. In Puerto Rico, we have donated to the local food bank, Banco de Alimentos, to help roughly 1,200 families who are suffering from food insecurity.
We are proud to play a meaningful role in the efforts to deal with this global crisis, and we remain committed to keeping the lights on for our customers and LNG communities around the world.
Stories of our impact
In the news
New Fortress reaches out to Barracks Road Primary
Our foundation
Uniting to help our neighbors in Puerto Rico
Our foundation
Healthcare workers receive care packages from New Fortress Energy Foundation
Energy filled story
To keep the power on through COVID-19, our essential employees are following essential protocols
Our foundation
New Fortress donates tablets, laptops to 300 students
Our foundation
New Fortress Energy partners with MoBay chamber to host back-to-school-fair
Our foundation
Students benefit from over $18m spent on tablets, laptops for back to school support
Our foundation
This fall, back-to-school will be brand-new for students in Mitchell Town
Our foundation
New Fortress Energy Foundation reaches out to Sunbeam Home for Boys
Our foundation
New Fortress Foundation reaches out to vulnerable families
Our foundation
New Fortress Foundation provides PATH students with care packages
Our foundation
Math teacher gets 'energy' to continue online classes amid COVID-19
Our foundation
Observer readers offer help for brilliant Lesa
Our foundation
Mitchell Town Primary gets multimillion-dollar upgrade from New Fortress Energy